meeting Udo Kier at Anthology Film Archives

I met the legendary actor Udo Kier at Anthology Film Archives! After a sold-out screening of Paul Morrissey’s BLOOD FOR DRACULA in 35mm, my favorite Udo film, he signed the slipcover that I illustrated for the Severin Films Blu-ray. I tried to emphasize his icy eyes in my painting – which, I can confirm, are just as striking in person. What a larger than life personality!


My art on the cover of Severin Films‘s new release! One of my favorite horror films, starring Udo Kier, Joe Dallesandro, Maxime McKendry, Stefania Casini, Arno Juerging, and Vittorio de Sica.

“Paul Morrissey’s BLOOD FOR DRACULA aka ANDY WARHOL’S DRACULA in glorious 4K. Our edition — the ONLY officially licensed edition about to hit the market — features a UHD with a brand new master of the film, scanned from the original uncensored negative and colored in HDR for the first time ever. It also comes with a Blu-Ray, loads of special features (earlier teaser pic is Stefania Casini back at the original location of her biting), and the extended soundtrack on CD!”

The Mid-Year Sale will start on Friday (6/25) at Midnight EST and end on the following Monday (6/28).


I am so excited about this! Here is my slipcover art for Severin Films‘s new release Nosferatu in Venice (1988), the unofficial sequel to Werner Herzog’s vampire film Nosferatu the Vampyre. It stars Klaus Kinski in one of his last performances, as well as Donald Pleasence, Christopher Plummer, and Barbara De Rossi. Six different directors were involved, including writer/producer Augusto Caminito, Mario Caiano, Luigi Cozzi, Pasquale Squitieri, Maurizio Lucidi, and Kinski himself. Gorgeous, erotic, atmospheric horror film– and great bonus features are included. You can preorder the limited edition DVD here!



Celebrate Alfred Hitchcock‘s birthday week by joining me at Class & Co for a one-night only art show in Williamsburg on August 16! The Master of Suspense turns 120 just three days before the event and what better way to spend the evening than viewing paintings from my Hitchcock Blondes series with a glass of wine in hand. Prints will also be sold and films screened! 

You can find my entire Hitchcock Blondes series in my Etsy shop. Enjoy free shipping all month long.

Hitchcocktober Halloween Sale

Happy Hitchcocktober! I’m having an ALL MONTH sale. 15% off EVERY item (Hitchcock and non-Hitchcock) and a FREE Psycho tote bag if you spend over $85. My store now has 136 items. Let’s celebrate the master of suspense, his fair-haired leading ladies, and the month of horror culminating in Halloween! Prints, originals and magnets from my 13 Hitchcock Blondes series are on sale. Prints are available in FIVE different sizes.


My series of 13 Hitchcock Blondes is now also sold in two different size sets. If you can’t decide, you can get all of the prints for a lower price than buying them all individually. For now, sets are sold in sizes 9×6″ and 6×4″. This purchase comes with a FREE Tippi Hedren Birds magnet.

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We all go a little mad sometimes… My very roomy Vera Miles: PSYCHO tote and Cesar Romero: JOKER tote is perfect for fitting Halloween candy, your laptop, groceries, books! I always carry a ton of things with me and this is just the right size for fitting everything. Plus, it’s got THREE side pockets! Every JOKER tote has lips hand-painted red by me for a personalized touch!

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Halloween, Horror, and Hitchcock Lovers. Shown here is my 14 in. x 11 in. print Janet Leigh: Psycho print, my Vera Miles: Psycho magnet,  Janet Leigh: Psycho magnet, Tippi Hedren: The Birds magnet, and Vera Miles: Psycho tote.


Need a gift? For that vintage-loving classic film fan in your life? Your very own femme fatale? Or just yourself? I have something for you! Whether you love film noir, Hitchcock heroines, European cinema, or 1960s Batman, there are 136 choices in my shop to choose from.

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I ship internationally too! All limited edition prints are signed and numbered by me.

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CAT LOVERS: I have about half a dozen cat-related art in five sizes and two types of paper for every cat person out there!

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NY Comic Con 2018

Had a blast at New York Comic Con! It was our best year yet! We had more prints and more merchandise than ever such as new magnets like Psycho: Vera Miles and Psycho: Norman Bates and Marion Crane, Joker tote bag, and Psycho: Vera Miles tote bag. It was a whirlwind and in case you didn’t get to partake, all items are available in my shop. At least a dozen new items being added every day this week!

We had an extremely successful, busy first day! We sold a ton and our booth was so crowded some people had to come back again later. Feeling so invigorated and grateful.

Coloring in Cesar Romero’s lips on a tote bag featuring my Joker art. I will hand-paint the lips red and sign it for you!

This lovely lady got my Tippi Hedren print. I told her she looks just like a Hitchcock blonde! My favorite look at NYCC





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Saturday. We killed it! No other booth at NYCC like ours!

Hardest working booth!

Already looking at next year’s NYCC

NY Comic Con Appearance: Oct 4-7, 2018

12 days away! My favorite time of year is back– New York Comic Con starts in less than two weeks! I will be back at booth #1061, signing prints from my Hitchcock series and other art (all with a special Comic Con discount), and there will be new merchandise such as tote bags and shirts. We have a few surprises in store so please stop by and say hi! You can follow my Instagram and Twitter for more updates.


Vera Miles in Psycho


Very excited to announce I will be participating at this week’s New York Comic Con! I’ll be at booth #1061 every day, signing limited edition prints of my Hitchcock paintings. My Tippi Hedren: the Birds print will be sold (an original and a blue version).


Tippi is part of an ongoing series I am doing of the leading ladies in Hitchcock’s films. Stay tuned for more!

Tippi Hedren: The Birds